Milestone Software Upgrade Program (SUP) critical for protecting NVR ROI
THe Milestone Software Upgrade Program is similar to Microsoft's software assurance program where you pay a fraction of the cost of the license purchased and you get:
Immediate access to latest releases - FREE!
Milestone adds new functionalities to XProtect video management software (VMS) multiple times each year and each new release contains powerful and innovative features to improve your surveillance system. With a SUP you gain immediate access to all new product updates the same day of the release
Clear upgrade path
SUP offers a full trade-in of the price of your current XProtect VMS when upgrading to a more advanced XProtect product, giving you a cost-effective way to enhance your installation
How it's licensed
The licensing of the SUP mimics that of the NVR licenses. So if you are buying one (1) base license of Enterprise and one hundered (100) camera/device licenses then you will need to purchase one (1) SUP for Base and one hundered (100) SUP for the camera/device licenses.
Traditional new bill of materials:
- 1 x XPEBL
- 100 x XPECL
- 1 x YXPEBL (SUP for base)
- 100 x YXPECL (SUP for camera/device)