Cambium Networks, 5 GHz 450 MicroPoP Connectorized, C050045A212A

Cambium Networks
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Cambium Networks, 5 GHz 450 MicroPoP Connectorized, C050045A212A

The PMP 450 MicroPop was designed as an easy deployment option for small sites such as parks, neighborhoods, RV parks, etc. This new 450 MicroPop has the option to now go connectorized and allow you to utilize any antennas you'd prefer, verse the traditional style Omni. This AP supports 4.9 GHz through 5.925 GHz, uses a Gigabit Ethernet port, and allows for up to 20 SM (CPE) connections with the right antenna can connect up to around a 2 mile distance. Users must note must use 48–56 VDC power supply (i.e., 802.3af compatible) to power this device. Secondly, an external GPS antenna connection is required to connect an external GPS antenna for GPS synchronization capabilities, such as the Cambium Networks N000900L030A.


What we like about the PMP 450 Connectorized MicroPop:

* Ultra-wide band radios:4.9 GHz to 5.925 GHz

* Enhance packet processing

* Software-defined, purpose-built technology.

* Gigabit Ethernet Interface provides the maximum transfer rates to the device.

* Integrates seamlessly with existing 450 platform devices.

* Centralized cloud management using cnMaestro.