Cambium Networks, ePMP 1000: Individual 5 GHz Integrated Radio, C058900C132A
Cambium NetworksToday’s fast-paced global economy requires reliable connectivity for everyone everywhere. There is an acute need for high-quality, scalable broadband solutions,which are becoming the gold standard of connectivity for businesses andconsumers in order to succeed in an ever-changing and demanding globalizedsociety. The ePMP platform from Cambium Networks meets this challenge head on. It is a breakthrough connectivity solution with innovative GPS sync technology, offering scalability, high-quality performance and reliable access to underand unconnected communities. Built on a legacy of field-proven technology, ePMP is a groundbreaking, state-of-the-art platform assuring optimal long-term performance for all. With ePMP, we’re leveraging our global expertise and leadership in wireless broadband products to set a new standard of what an economical connectivity solution can offer. Our ePMP networks combine accessibility, quality of service, reliability and scalability to build strong and sustainable business models, even with low ARPU customers. At the same time, our ePMP solutions enable connectivity for your most remote users, allowing them to benefit from and contribute to the global economy.