Cambium e430W Indoor Wall Plate (FCC) 802.11ac wave 2, 2x2, Aceess Point with single-gang wall bracket, PL-E430W00A-US
Cambium NetworksCambium e430W Indoor (FCC) 802.11ac wave 2, 2x2, Wall plate WLAN AP with single-gang wall bracket, PL-E430W00A-US
cnPilot™ e430W Wall Plate WLAN (Wi-Fi) AP for in room deployments in the hospitality and MDU (multi-dwelling unit) sectors. Cambium’s e430W Indoor Wall Plate AP comes with optional accessories that can be ordered separately including PoE injector, AC/DC 12V 48A adapter, dual-wall gang bracket, a generic wall bracket, and an optional desktop stand.
The e430W, in combination with cnMaestro™ Managed Services features (MSP), offers a powerful solution for VARs and SIs to deploy cnPilot in hospitality opportunities.
The e430w is a full-featured 802.11ac Wave 2 in-room wall plate AP with built-in BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) radio capable of supporting a maximum of 256 users in a 16 SSID configuration. The e430W will also come with a single gang wall adapter that enables the e430W to fit on an in-wall single gang receptacle. The e430W comes with 4 Ethernet ports, 3 of which can be used to connect other devices. The fourth port is a pass-through port to connect to accessories, such as the hotel desk phone in the room